Friday, May 20, 2011

Promo Drunken to Love You...Only you ? ❤

During the promotion of Rainie with Joseph, for the drama "Drunken To love you," Rainie had the surprise of a VCR by Luo. 


"I am very happy today that my partner Yang Cheng Lin has a new drama 
called Love You, with co-starred a young man whose surname is Zhang - yes, 
it's Joseph! I hope everyone will support this drama. It's nice, 
heartwarming and funny, so we will support all ... thank you "

And he ended with "Only Youuu (for Rainie). 

Rainie was really shocked, so it was not expected at ALL,
Therefore, it is an initiative of Show.

A reporter asked if she was surprised to have a "VCR" of Show.

Rainie :

"Yes I am surprised! But I thank him for his support because he look (the 
drama). In fact, we began filming late last year, while during 
the evening of our company, of end year, he asked me how was my film projects (DTLY), he was very supportive and it will support and watch our drama. And I'm really going thank him for that. "

In another interview, he was asked if Show is going to be jealous (because of the many scenes hot and intimate "of the drama") .


So, here ... Rainie start saying "If it is, Show do not will show ...." then a
suddenly changes to :
"I'm not that important to him, he will not be jealous!"


While the theory of small fans S & R:

He (Show ) wanted to show everyone that he had - even with a new partnership for
drama - always an eye on Rainie, and maintaining  with pleasure a ambiguous relationship with her.
If this video is well of his initiative, a sort of booster shot, as the
Royal Male (Leo ^ ^) approving "publicly" support the drama and the "new"
couple, but the "Only You" at the end comes to imply: "Okay I support your drama, but your man, that's me. "

We know that Show hates the second place, and since HMS, for him,  it is of the knowing public, that Rainie is his property. Even in a magazine, she has was placed in first as  ideal "Girlfriend" for Show, and King is very happy with this status (obviously).

Show under the guise of promoting the drama, actually promoted her relationship with Rainie (hence the "Only You") because already in the video for "Only You", the actress is often taken in profile, profile that closely resembles a dead ringer for Rainie ... And I do not even speak lyrics of the song ^ ^.

In short, this VCR is used primarily to point out that Rainie is "its territory". Show never do this type of VCR to its former co-star while they were in full promotion of their drama ...
This VCR is off topic, especially that he was about to make his concert ... This is not the attitude a friend, but a man who knows that his "little woman" running with a man "manly" : Joseph - her ex boyfriend :  Xiao Gui - and a friend and former boyfriend rumor  : KingOne -
He wants to remain the number one both in the spirit of Rainie than in public (and give of the food at S&R fans ).

Drunken To Love You is not a project GTV (Show and Rainie company), but his rival SETTV, so, it will not be promoted on emissions of Show, so there is no interest from the company to do this at Show ... It's really a personal action of "LION"

Thank you for the translation at members of Thread S&R of Asian fanatic !

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