Friday, May 20, 2011

Who run after MY Rainie ?? o( ><)o

Ahahahaha !

Translation (thank you Aiyah)

Rainie was dressed so sexy with tight jeans, then they asked him to clarify the latest rumor about her and this guy who is supposed run after her .... Rainie said that when his boss called to ask if she knows the guy ... she said she did not know ... and then his manager asked, "Are you sure that you are not lying ? Recently, have you had a new friend or new kid trying to chase you?" and then she said, "Yes ... certainly not!".

Then, after the clip, Show said ... "It's his manager Jiang Ge ... he does not believe that the celebrity (Rainie) said ...!"

What I find particularly cute, he is trying to defend it (attention : let's go: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) while biting his nails, a obvious sign of anxiety, nervousness, which may even be a sign of lack of confidence in itself.

I think he was very anxious, 
and that he say it in his mind : " Who ? Who run after my Rainie ? he 
is more handsome that me ? He is from of Showbizz ? Who is it ? "  (=^_^=)
Show never comment the news of Rainie on the emission. ( for avoid the scandals )
This news must to have was a kind of shock for him, so he is surely anxious ( + nail biting ) for comment the video news of Rainie.

It's extraordinary that Show commented, the Rainie news.
And nails biting on....mhmmmmm. It there as one thing strange.
The " why" stay a mystery.
- Anxious for a "possible" rival ?
- Anxious that we discover that it is with him that Rainie has a relationship?
- other thing ?
he is sure that Show was annoyed that his manager does not believe Rainie.

so excited before the news of Rainie ! LOL

credits on image *

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